
Volkswagen - The Ad Break Championship

The playfulness of this idea from DDB Sydney really caught me. Hijacking airtime, using second screens which are omnipresent when watching TV, and creating an experience so suited to the GTI model I think is genius. This Volkswagen campaign had me and my kids hooked from the get-go! I think ideas like this that are active rather than passive, are always a standout.

Volkswagen – Break Championship Hype Reel

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Victoria Bitter - VB Solar Exchange

Australia is a country with one of the highest uptakes of rooftop solar power amongst the developed world, there is a lot of sunlight to put it mildly. This brand has made a commitment to solar by being the first brewery to be completely powered by solar energy, and following on from that they got the punters involved via another idea that is genius! 

Uptake was pretty high by all accounts and who doesn't love a good ol' fashion barter exchange, particularly if it involves a frosty. I think this will do well in Cannes, again plenty of active participation albeit of a different kind.

Garvan Institute of Medical Research - Disease Dilemma

This is a cleverly thought out idea from BWM Isobar, an answer to the question many of those wanting to donate to multiple charities face. This insight is sure to be appreciated by the juries in Cannes. It goes without saying this was hugely successful, asking deeply philosophical questions, similar to those faced by autonomous driving AI creators (if you are going to run into a pedestrian and have a choice, which one do you choose) but with a great answer.

Rollin Car Insurance - Larry

Exceptional, exceptional creative underpins a flawless craft led execution of Larry, rollin as free as a bird. When this campaign from Bear Meets Eagle on Fire launched it stood out like the proverbial. A fantastic rendition of the Digital Underground classic accompanies this piece that would have just been such a fun project for all concerned. It is a layered beauty that would have struck a chord with the target peeps.

ROLLiN’ – Larry

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Mountain Goat Beer - Goat, Goat & Goat Attorneys at Law

Tongue in cheek, so believable, and having so much fun. Incorporating the absurd nature of the idea with the Client mascot creates so much silliness but drives active behaviour from customers. Don't you just love good beer ads?
