
Great Ormond Street – Forget Disney World, Visit Ordinary World!

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Many kids long for a fun-filled trip to Disneyland or Alton Towers, complete with thrilling rollercoaster rides and meeting their favourite characters. But for other, less fortunate children, just getting back to normal life is the stuff of dreams.  

That's the message in AMV BBDO's latest campaign for London children's hospital, Great Ormond Street, which introduces viewers to 'Ordinary World' - a wondrous experience full of magic and awe. 



Two 60-second spots, directed by Andy McCleod via Rattling Stick, open in the style of a ironic theme park promotion, showering a series of seemingly mundane family activities – supermarket shopping, taking the bus, a trip to the local park – with a lavish sprinkling of Disney-esque stardust. 

But, in the final frame, the action cuts to a child gazing out of the window from their hospital bed, a reminder that, for the hospital's chronically sick patients, going back to the 'Ordinary World' is genuinely a dream.



The two versions of the film feature different, real-life patients: Delano, aged nine, from London, and Jessica, aged 10, from South Wales, who have both spent long periods of their life in hospital, like the 260 children who arrive at Great Ormond Street every day.


Jessica, one of the patients featured in the campaign.


"The work was built around the insight that you don’t appreciate the everyday until it’s taken away from you, and was developed to strike a chord with the majority of parents across the UK who take going to the shops, the park or watching X-Factor on a Saturday night for granted," said AMV account director James Drummond. "You can only make light of ordinary if you have an extraordinary response to it, and that is exactly what all the patients at Great Ormond Street Hospital receive; extraordinary levels of care and support."



In addition to the films, which will air across UK cinemas and online from today, the campaign includes a series of print and OOH adverts and a dedicated microsite.

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