
Rummaging through records, curating playlists and going to gigs are all part of the daily grind for those lucky souls working in the music biz. Nell Bassral, new business manager at music production company Soho Music keeps her energy levels up with Terry's Chocolate Orange, carrot sticks and regular ping-pong breaks...  


 09.00: In a bid to get fit I've started walking to work (hasn't happened again since).




 09.30: It wouldn't be 'A Day In The Life..' without an M&S food porn style shot.



09.30: Enter one of our resident artist managers, Tom, for our Wednesday morning music meeting down in the Gin Factory studios. Cool ride. 



10.30: Say cheese! Deep in conversation about new, up-and-coming artists, producers and musicians. 



11.30: It's alive! Having a quick look at the new Grolsch film we worked on over a nutritional mid-morning snack. It looks almost as good as my desk does...



12.30: The government recommends that employees should take regular breaks throughout the working day...



13.00: It's excellent in every way (apart from my bank balance) having Exmouth Market round the corner from the studios. Yes, despite the name, we're in Clerkenwell...


13.30: It's handy having lovely neighbours like R/GA nearby, because it means I get to grab grub with this guy. Associate producer Adam Reid loves a carrot stick. 


14.30: Visiting the lovely folks at adam&eve/DDB with my partner-in-crime, Marilou Bakkenist.



15.30-16.00: Preparing for the Soho Music Presents: Vinyl Night at JWT. Got the theme sorted...



18.30: Having a couple of bevs at our local, The Well, before Hans Zimmer, courtesy of the awesome guys at Extreme Music. 


20.00: The incredible Hans Zimmer at the O2! Pretty decent way to polish off the day.


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