
Being in two places at once may seem impossible to some, but DDB & Tribal Worldwide Amsterdam's creative directors Stephen Joss and Bram Holzapfel, prove that the challenge is only half the fun.

For their Heineken #ChampionTheMatch campaign, the creatives spent time away from one another to shoot corresponding films about local footballers and provide BTS insight on the game. With only 48 hours to shoot, grade and edit - and upload the films online - the duo prove that, actually, anything is possible.


Stephen (L) 09.15: Off to Athens.   

Bram (R) 20:30: And off to Joburg.


17:00: Hi Athens!

11:00: Hi Joburg!


18:30: 20 hours till the launch...

18:30: With 20 shots to go.


20:25: Shooting with drones...

21:43: And discussing the take.


09:10: Looking at drones...

09:10: ...Another take.


14:43: Last minute adjustments...

12:05: And a last minute debrief in Joburg.


16:00: Film is live...

20:55: ...Time to tweet, but no time to sleep.


23:15: It's a wrap!

23:10: It's a wrap!


09:20: Bye Athens!

21:20: Bye Joburg (and Good Night!)

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