
Last Thursday saw the great and good of New York’s AdLand shrug off their Election Week hangover and attend another glittering Source Presents screening.

Returning to the fabulous Village East Cinema, the evening boasted a bespoke collection of 50+ minutes featuring the best shorts and music videos from unsigned directors from around the world. Sourced from the Scout directory, the custom-made collection provoked whoops of joy and nails bitten with tension from the industry audience, as well as provoking some animated deliberation in the drinks reception that followed.

Popular highlights from the show included the audacious ‘Tank Head’ by Richard Boylan, Martin Lapp’s staggering ‘Breaking Point’ and the well-timed (?) ‘La Madre Buena (The Good Mother)’ from Sarah Clift.

You can see the full set of snaps from the evening and step-and-repeat on our Facebook page. We’ve also put together a Slate of the films shown, so you can enjoy them at your leisure. For full credits, click here.
