
What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?

I definitely laughed at the Snickers spots a couple of years back, a fractious Aretha Franklin in the back of a car, kicking Liza Minelli’s seat and all the time just needing a little peanutty nourishment.

Snickers – Road Trip

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What website(s) do you use most regularly?

Isn’t it always Google? 

What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought?

A new phone, because the bouncing phone has yet to be developed.

What product could you not live without?

Inevitably, my phone.

What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

All Quiet on the Western Front.

What film do you think everyone should have seen?

That’s like asking me to choose a favourite child. 

What’s your preferred social media platform?

Instagram; it’s really the only one I use. I’m an infrequent poster, mainly the kids, for distant family and friends. It seems pretty democratic, though I’m sure I’ll be told otherwise, and it’s perfect for a bit of low brow entertainment when I commute, for example. 

What’s your favourite TV show?

Family Guy. I wish I’d paid a bit more attention when it first went into rotation. I watched a few episodes with my kids before the full horror of what I’d exposed them to dawned on me…

What’s your favourite podcast?

Anything humorous. I listen most consistently to Smartless, but I may have to look for something else, there's a bit too much back slapping between the hosts.

What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

To my shame, I haven’t been to any exhibitions since the outbreak of Covid. Now, of course, I’ll have to go as I’ve exposed my culture-less life. 

If you could only listen to one music artist from now on, who would it be?

David Bowie.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

Hmm, hard to pick one, but I remember when I was still in London the audio houses had a standardised rate card, more or less. Work was awarded on merit, rather than being closest to striking the balance between the creative and the budget.

Who or what has most influenced your career?

My dad; he had a production company. A little advertising, but mainly corporate videos. I’d run for him when he was shooting and he’d take me along to the post sessions. I loved all of it. 

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.

Well, since we just spoke about my father, he was a very minor celebrity back in the day and he used to co-host a show called Come Dancing. My sister and I were mortified by this and, if forced to watch, would do so from behind the sofa and through our fingers.
