
Do the fears of the world at large (climate change, economic uncertainty, political division) affect your creative process?

I definitely think economic uncertainty is a big one. 

It’s hard to get funding to pursue passion projects due to government cuts, the effect that covid has had on the economy and also just the current state we’re in, with talks of a recession being a possibility, it’s all very nerve wracking and it almost feels like our industry is in a state of limbo. 

But nevertheless, I have hope it’ll be fine! 

You could either let fear be a driving force to push you to overcome it, or you could feed into it and it ultimately ends up holding you back.

How do you feel the world's worries are impacting Western consumer culture?

I think people are more mindful about what they’re buying and I definitely believe the younger generation, in particular, is adopting more ethical lifestyles and choosing more eco-conscious products.

Is fear good for the film production industry?

I think it’s both a blessing and a curse – it depends what side you tap into. You could either let fear be a driving force to push you to overcome it, or you could feed into it and it ultimately ends up holding you back. It’s definitely something I struggle with but I’m working on it!

It feels like our world is crumbling at a speed we can't control and it creates a lot of anxiety about the future.

What scares you most about the future?

The fact that it’s uncertain and the actions you take now will contributes to how it’ll turn out. We’re all the architects of our own fortune, I just hope that my story is one of great fortune! 

But we have to all believe in our sauce, we’ll get to wherever we need to be, I’m a big believer in that.

Do you feel that the younger generation have more to fear than the older... particularly in regard to climate change?

Yes. And longevity is a big concern in regards to climate change so there is a rush to become successful a lot sooner. 

It feels like our world is crumbling at a speed we can't control and it creates a lot of anxiety about the future.

Being black in this industry is difficult, as the industry is still predominately white and opportunities don’t come as easily.

What was your biggest fear when entering the industry?

That I wouldn’t be able to get my foot in the door. Being black in this industry is difficult, as the industry is still predominately white and opportunities don’t come as easily. 

I’m very grateful to have landed the position I'm in now, but I’m a big advocate for more diversity in this industry, from crew all the way to senior positions. 

It would be nice to see more faces like my own on set, representation is important and I hope it becomes a more diverse industry.

For a job like yours, is fear a friend or foe?

For me, I’ll say it’s a foe. There are times where I’ll need to make a decision and take initiative, but I’m worried I’ll make the wrong decision.

Mistakes don’t go down as well in production! But they are a great learning tool. 

I’m working on making fear a friend. As I mentioned before, believing in your own sauce will get you where you need to be. 

There is power in self belief. It is amazing where it can get you.
