

Taking home the Film Craft Grand Prix this year, The Wish, was an emotional, beautifully told tale of a mother's regret at all the rich and varied life experiences her son missed out on during the pandemic. It was created by Serviceplan for German supermarket chain PENNY.  

Jury president Patrick Milling-Smith, Co-Founder & Global CEO of Smuggler explained how the strong story of the piece "creeps up on you. A great story is universal and has a permanence to it, the craft in The Wish is so spot on you can feel the intention and the hand of the filmmaker, it’s one of the few covid pieces that really worked and has a truth about it." 

He also explained that the craft in the filmmaking "had to be perfect, not to be too saccharine." the wish creeps up on you, it had to be perfect to not be saccharine,

Penny – The Wish

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Other Gold winning pieces of work in the category included: Burberry, Open Spaces; Apple, Escape From the Office and Paralympics, Super Human

For the full list of winners, visit the Cannes Lions site. 


The Industry Craft Grand Prix went to a remarkable project to regenerate a marine ecosystem and provide the fish that the brand's feline customers so crave. Sheba's Hope Grows campaign featured a first-of-its-kind YouTube channel that gives viewers the chance to help rebuild a coral reef with every view the channel receives. All ad revenue generated from the channel is donated to The Nature Conservancy.

The campaign was created by AMV BBDO London in partnerships with The Nature Conservancy, Google and National Geographic Creative Works. 

Jury Head for the category Nils Leonard, Founder of Uncommon Creative Studio, revealed how the task facing the panel of judges was not an easy one. He talked about the pressure of finding what is essentially "the best work in the world." 

Commenting on how assessing Craft entries can often seem a "moustache twiddling exercise" he stated that what set Hope Grows apart was its purpose, the jurors wanted to find work "of great scale and importance", and ultimately "the Sheba campaign just mattered more" than any other entry. 

Sheba – Hope Grows

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Gold Lions in the category were awarded to Burger King Mexico, Non Artificial; Minecraft trailer; The Rio Carnival rebranding; The Ad Museum Tokyo/Yoshida Hideo Foundation, Beautiful Mutations.  

For the full list of winners, visit the Cannes Lions site. 


One of the most moving winners in the Craft entries, Polycam + Unesco's, Backup Ukraine took the Grand Prix in Digital Craft. A partnership between VICE Media Group's Virtue, the Blue Shield Denmark and the Danish UNESCO National Commission, the project seeks to protect the country's cultural heritage and identity, which is at risk from being wiped out by the war. 

The campaign asks volunteers to use an app to scan cultural treasures, such as monuments and architectural gems. The scans are then turned into a 3D models and uploaded into a cloud where they can be backed up and preserved, far away from Russia's bombs.

Jury President, Luciana Haguiara, ECD Media.Monks, enthused about the ingenuity of the campaign and stated that it "sent a powerful message from our industry that we have the tools and expertise to do real good, to treasure the cultural identity of a country." 

Backup Ukraine

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Digital Craft Gold winners included: Google, Black-owned Friday; Vice Media +British Museum's Unfiltered History Tour; and Michelob Ultra, McEnroe vs McEnroe. 

For the full list of winners, visit the Cannes Lions site. 

Design Lions

Lisa Smith, ECD of Jones Knowles Ritchie and Jury Head in this category explained how Penguin Books' campaign Portuguese (Re)constitution ticked all the boxes in the judging criteria. 

Created by FCB Lisbon, the campaign saw the, literal, redrawing of the Portuguese Constitution of 1933. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the end of the fascist regime, the constitution was re-released as book of poems and illustrations, using the technique of 'blackout poetry' along with the blue pencil - a symbol of censorship under the dictatorship – to create beautiful imagery. 

"It had to be commercially viable, along with being ethical and demonstrate how design is such a powerful tool in making a difference." The Portuguese Reconstitution was "such a simple idea around the idea of freedom." She praised the project's execution and the impact and longevity of the concept – how the judges loved the idea that the book will live on in schools and become an important cultural artefact and a reminder of the country's history for generations to come. 

Design Lions Gold winners included: Rio Carnival rebranding; Dole Sunshine Company + Ananas, Pinatex; H&M Foundation, the Billion Dollar Connection; Azgard 9, CO2at, Roto and the Ministry of Health, Kenya, Lesso Lessons; Canadian Paralympic Committee, Para Expansion Pack.

Portuguese (Re)constitution

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Want to see more? We'll have a full playlist of winners from these and other categories early next week.
