
Volkswagen Trucks – Flip Your Phone to Change the Story in Volkswagen's 'Customisable' Film

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While mobile-obsessed millennials prefer to watch their video content vertically, many others still prefer a traditional, horizontal film format, even on their phones.

Brazilian agency AlmapBBDO has used this insight to create a clever ad for its client, Volkswagen Trucks, The Custom-Made Film, which plays on the brand's philosophy of providing a custom-made approach to fit the needs of its consumers with a film whose storyline adapts depending on what format it's viewed in


By flipping their phones horizontally, users get to watch one version of the story. If they watch vertically, they see another take. By simply changing the phone's orientation, users can switch between modes, and the story will adapt automatically. So, in the 'vertical' version, the main character, George, is tall and thin, gets compared to a greyhound and sleeps in a single, extra-long bed. In the horizontal verson, he's short and squat, looks more like a dachshund and dosses down on a queen-sized mattress. You get the idea.



To achieve the effect, the film was shot using a square, 1:1 aspect ratio, with the most important elements always in the middle of the screen. That way, the scenes adjust automatically to horizontal and vertical formats, depending on the movement of the phone, squeezing or stretching the image. Each version - both produced by Your Mama and Punch Áudio - has its own screenplay and narration.

At the end of both stories, both versions of George find what they were looking for: trucks custom-made to fit their own specific desires. While admittedly it's no The Other Side , it's a nonetheless an entertaining use of the smartphone flip functionality.

To watch the film, visit on your phone. You can also view the film on a desktop by toggling between versions using keyboard commands. 

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