
Many ads have tried to hammer home just how dangerous texting and driving simultaneously can be, yet few drivers unfortunately take note of these efforts. NORD DDB has come up with an innovative way to capture the attention of youngsters today and warn them of the dangers of driving distractedly by creating a series of phone cases in partnership with Volkswagen, each of which is crumpled in design as if recovered from a car crash.

Unveiled in Sweden, where the number of car accidents has remained steady since a law was passed this year banning phone use while driving, the campaign hopes it will be a more effective reminder of the potentially fatal consequences at stake.

Since the law was introduced earlier this year, from February 1, there have been 153 serious car accidents, which is why the agency decided to roll out 153 unique phone cases.



Each case has been handmade from metal salvaged from damaged cars.

"A phone case is supposed to protect your phone," says DDB copywriter Svante Pårup. "But this phone case is supposed to protect your life. A daily reminder to take care of yourself and those around you."

All proceeds will go towards Sweden's driving safety scheme, Trafikskadefonden, aimed at helping people post accidents. And cases are available for purchase here

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