
Ahhh, Christmas, Sure, 'tis the season of glad tidings, joy and peppermint lattes, but it can plunge us into some pretty stressful situations, too. Like running into that old neighbour whose name you've forgotten during your visit home. Or the sweaty, panic-filled shopping that's peculiar to Christmas Eve.

Thankfully, tequila brand Jose Cuervo is on hand to help this holiday season... with a series of mindful meditation aids. Created by Crispin Porter +Bogusky LA, as part of the brand's ongoing 'Tomorrow Is Overrated' repositioning, the tongue-in-cheek six-part series is an irreverent tip of the hat to popular meditation app Headspace.



Each episode addresses an all too familiar holiday 'stressor', from travel weariness, to shopping anxiety and annoying repeats of classic Christmas songs. Through the power of a mindful guru guide, a pan-pipe soundtrack and leaping dolphins these stressful situations evaporate, allowing the listener to truly be in the moment over the holiday season, and, of course, enjoy an intense moment of Cuervo.

Three of the episodes - Dreaded Encounters [above]; Overcome Travel Weariness and Release Shopping Anxiety [below] are accompanied by soothing visuals, while the remainder are audio-only. All the meditations are available online at


Overcome Travel Weariness


Release Shopping Anxiety

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