
Despite the hype around virtual reality, we're only just beginning to understand its incredible emotional power and potential to transform people's lives. 

But a new campaign from Intel Brazil shows viewers how simply donning a pair of VR goggles can make a lifelong dream come true.

Part of the tech giant's 'Technology and Life' initiative, launched in collaboration with Brazilian news portal, Razões para Acreditar (Reasons To Believe), the campaign has launched with a trio of films, shot during a visit to a nursing home in Brazil.

In the first film [below], the elderly residents, initially dubious about this new-fangled "nowadays technology", are soon putting on the headsets and being transported to the destinations they'd always wanted to visit, be it Spain, Portugal or Jerusalem. It's a simple but effective reminder of the emotional power of technology.



"Virtual reality experiences require high computing power, and Intel is in a leading position to offer these solutions. In the case of this initiative, the feeling is even better because we see our participation in a technology that can, indeed, be a complement to some cases of health care," said Intel's marketing director, Carlos Buarque.

The films will live on a custom-created content channel, along with information on the technology's importance in the treatment of diseases such as autism, visual and motor disabilities.

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