
Fifty years is a big achievement in anybody’s book, so to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Chevrolet’s Camaro vehicle and the new release of the Camaro FIFTY model, a big stunt was required.

Commonwealth/McCann devised two big stunts stunts in which to commemorate the occasion.

They were completed in an enclosed space and by a professional team, led by experienced stuntman Mike Ryan who has worked on Hollywood films like The Fast and the Furious and Star Trek. Do not try this at home.

The first (below) sees the Camaro FIFTY blow out a birthday candle by jumping 4.5 metres high over a distance of 10 metres over a giant cake.

The second (below) - perhaps slightly tricksier and definitely more visually impressive - sees the vehicle leap from one moving truck and onto another.

Director Giancarlo Barone shot the spots - which are now in with a chance setting a Guinness Book of World Record.

Not a bad way to spend a 50th… But what will the team do Camaro hits 60?

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