
Make-up can do some amazing things, from giving millions of people confidence to hiding the most unsightly of love bites, but no one has yet invented a make-up that can cover up emotions like shame, embarrassment, or a total lack of dignity. That development, however, is now one step closer thanks to We Are Social's new campaign for Benefit.

With Conceal My Secret, We Are Social have created a website that will connect to your Facebook or Twitter account, highlight potential faux pas based on a database of keywords or user-contributed terms, then allows you to conceal them forever from your future feed.

Benefit's head of digital marketing Michelle Stoodley explains the thinking behind the campaign, "This campaign recognises the fact that the way people represent themselves and wish to be perceived on social changes over time. With the launch of our new concealers, we thought this was the perfect tie in, while allowing our customers to have a bit of fun looking back over some of their slightly more embarrassing statuses before concealing them.”



A We Are Social spokesperson also detailed the other pieces to the Conceal My Secret campaign, "to drive consumers to, content linking to the microsite will be distributed across social channels to Benefit’s target audiences, showcasing classic examples of unwanted old posts. Visitors to the site will be encouraged to share it with friends and followers on their social channels. Social content will use the hashtag #ConcealMySecret."

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