
What was the best campaign you’ve seen recently?

I don’t know how recent it is, but aside from Fearless Girl, (which depressed me because I wished I’d done it) was the Levi’s piece where they sent people in to rebuild Braddock, Penn. as a way of showing America’s pioneering spirit.

The idea was massive and empowering, and the film that came from it still gives me chills. Okay, so it’s seven years old...


What website do you visit most and why?

I’m not going to say that here.


What’s the most recent piece of tech you bought and why?

The new MacBook Pro. Unless my Canon 5D Mark IV counts.


Image result for Canon 5D Mark IV

Favorite social media platform?

It’s probably Twitter at the moment.


Favorite app on your phone?

Hard to choose: TED; Words with Friends; IMDB; Instagram… Docscan has been a lifesaver for me.



What’s your favorite tv show and why?

Game of Thrones by quite a large margin. The characters are delicious. The mythology. The twists. It has everything. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when the series ends.


What film should everyone see and why?

Enter the Dragon. Because gods are rarely captured on film. I’ve seen it 72 times.


Image result for Enter the Dragon


Where were you when inspiration last struck?

Playing Witcher 3. It was truly great, immersive storytelling within RPG gameplay. Some of the quests were so moving and the world was stunningly beautiful. 

I literally sank hundreds of hours into this game. I replayed it six times. I haven’t been able to play another game since because they all seem to pale in comparison.


Image result for Witcher 3


What’s the most significant change you’ve noticed in the industry since you started working in it?

We’re allowed to think in so many more ways now. We can get into tech, invent products, write documentaries or movies, create events and art installations. I may be biased, but I feel like the pendulum is swinging back towards the artist’s brain again.


What one thing would you change about advertising?

Probably me. I’d learn how to keep my big mouth closed.

Or the idea of advertising as art somehow being sacrilegious. It can be art. And when you let it be art, something special and meaningful happens.


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What or who has most influenced your career and why?

I can’t limit it to one thing: Bowie, racism, self-loathing, Monty Python, introversion and [former W+K creative] Jim Riswold have been the biggest influences.

Bowie because he made it okay to not fit in and he made art in everything he did.

Riswold because he treated everything with irreverence, whether it was advertising, art or cancer, he was, and is, fearless.


Tell us one thing about yourself most people won’t know.

My wife has a genius IQ. I do not. Consequently, I haven’t won an argument in decades.

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