
It's Friday morning. You've woken up fully clothed, a tad blurry-eyed and dry of mouth. How did you get home? Where are your shoes? And, for the love of God, why are there snowflakes in your hair?

If those were the questions running through your aching head, we'll wager that you joined the revelry at the annual shots Beach Party last night. As always, it was a night to remember. But if you're having trouble doing so - thanks, no doubt, to the copious amounts of alcohol imbibed - then we're all too happy to help: you can relive the epic, all-singing, all-dancing, all-skinny-dipping (yes, really) bonanza of fun here with all the party photos from the night

Of course, we want to thank all the sponsors of this year's Beach Party, our good friends at 2AM FilmsAngel FilmsBlue Sky FilmsFinger Industries, Pegasus PicturesShoot in ChileStratum and Twentyfour Sevenfor helping to make the night such a success.

And thanks must also go to our fantastic DJs, Massive Music, for keeping the dance floor packed all night long. 



Look out for a photo-spread in the next issue of shots, #171, coming out next month and we look forward to seeing you all, same place, same time, in 364 days or so...
