
Can't Stop The Feeling Emotional Advertising, a Masterclass: IPA & adam&eveDDB

10:00 - 10:45 Lumiere Theatre

In 2016 adam&eveDDB for the John Lewis department store won the effectiveness Grand Prix at Cannes Lions and at the IPA, as well as a staggering 124 creative awards over the past five years. At the heart of their winning approach is creative that provokes strong emotion which, as analysis of IPA Effectiveness Award winners over the decades consistently shows, is the best route to delivering long-term brand growth. So how does it work? How can we replicate it? In this session the IPA, the advertising profession's association which this year celebrates its centenary, will unpick the key components of emotional advertising with both agency and client.

Speakers: Paul Bainsfair, James Murphy, Richard Brim


How to Suck Less as a Client: Burger King

Let’s be honest – everyone thinks all clients kind of suck. At times, even we think we suck. You see, the Burger King brand has had its ups and downs. But in the long run, the brand has managed to build a reputation for marketing campaigns that are bold, courageous and innovative. How can a burger chain get the world talking about its ideas? How can BK consistently punch above its weight? Join us for an R-rated presentation that will showcase the flame-grilling secrets that keep the fire of the brand lit.

14:15 - 15:00 Lumiere Theatre

Speakers: Axel Schwan, Fernando Machado


The Lion of St Mark Interview: David Droga: Cannes Lions

16:15 - 17:00 Debussy Theatre

The celebration of creativity is at the heart of the Festival and the Lion of St. Mark recognises individuals who have made significant and outstanding contributions to creativity across our industry. This year David Droga is the worthy recipient of this award; having won his first Gold Lion 20 years ago, he is to date one of the most awarded creatives in the history of the Lions with almost 200 Awards. In 2006 he launched his own agency, Droga5, which won Independent Agency of the Year at Cannes Lions for two years straight in 2015 and 2016. This interview will explore the work, mindset and motivations of one of the world’s most prolific creatives.

Speakers: David Droga, Philip Thomas
