

06.45: I wake up to a very sunny day and our cat, Clemmy. 


08.35: After making Finn breakfast and dropping Sophie off at middle school, I arrive at Arnold. Agency marketing manager Jorge Rodriguez (pictured here) does a drive-by reminder that today is the day that I’m capturing my day with photos - not what I really wanted to hear, but okay, let’s do this… 


09.00: The light isn’t horrible. Sun is actually out – it’s been awhile, so I decide to do a few social media-type photos for one of our smaller clients, New City Brewery. The bottle will be cut out in post… but I’m kinda liking that skyline. 


09.30: The CenturyLink team meets to take director’s calls. After doing three of these, I am a) sick of hearing my own voice, b) starting to get a sense of how these videos need to be shot and c) getting that weird feeling of excitement/dread of going back to LA. 


12.15: I have an hour free. As an avid photographer, I am trying to make a habit of taking walks with my camera. Today I jump on the train and head to East Boston. That’s three stops on the Blue Line, heading towards Wonderland. 


13.00: I’m back at Arnold to look at an edit. The team did a great job and I have very little comments. I’m a little obsessed with shadows and we get very good ones here on the 8th floor. 


14.00: I have a couple of free minutes, so I post this shot I got during lunch.


15.00-17.00: I work on a new business video. Obviously can’t really talk about that… but this is what Arnold looks like in the afternoon. Pictured here is director of content production Bill Goodell – one of the best in the business. 


17.00-19.30: I finally have time to catch up on emails, review some creative and enjoy a little downtime. After telling Tory (my wife) that I am leaving at 18.30, I finally do leave at 19.30.

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