
Skype have teamed with BBC Worldwide to offer The Saviour of Time, a Skype bot that puts you in the heart of a Doctor Who adventure with the 12th Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi.

(As shot's resident DL Doctor Who fan (every office has one), let me try and get through this without getting too nerdy.)

After following the Doctor Who bot on Skype, users will be plunged into a special six-part episode of the series, featuring "the Doctor communicating with them directly and setting them challenges that can only be solved by the best companions" according to a BBC spokesperson.

In this adventure, Skype users team with the Time Lord to find a mysterious artefact known as the Key to Time, with six parts of it scattered across six locations for bot users to find. 

And if you just said to yourself 'I wonder if that's the same six part Key to Time Tom Baker looked for with Romana', you'll have to log onto Skype to find out.

(OK, so I managed three paragraphs before going full geek. Personal record.)



This Doctor and Bill Potts style team-up (...I'll stop now) is the second between Skype and BBC Worldwide. In 2015, the broadcaster offered a series of so-called 'Skype Mojis', short video clips from The OfficeSherlock and Doctor Who that users could send to each other.

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