
Londoners: if you’ve not got much planned at the weekend but fancy a trip out of the city, read on to find out how you can make your escape without spending a penny.

Continuing easyJet’s recently-launched Why Not? campaign, the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions and Amsterdam Airport have agreed to bring the city's highlights (note, not red lights) to London.

With a little help from VCCP Kin and experiential agency Bearded Kitten, the streets of Shoreditch will be transformed into an easyJet plane door where passers-bys can pretend to be passengers and discover Dutch delights.


Your portal to quite literally another world...


From strolling down the canals, to visiting an art gallery or smelling tulips in a field – after all a trip to Holland wouldn’t be complete without smelling the national flower – you can be escorted abroad through an immersive theatre experience.


Smelling the flowers...


“What the experience does beautifully is it creates a memory, because you’re actually in it,” says Bearded Kitten’s construction manager Tommy Mansell.

And if you’re actually in Amsterdam this weekend, fear not – you too, can discover whether the experience bears any resemblance to your own trip as a 360 film will be released shortly after the weekend. 


See The Girl With The Pearl Earring... for real


So don’t miss out, head to the N&C Showrooms before 9pm tomorrow and tell your friends that you’re off on holiday… Proost!

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