
As the digital age evolves, so too does our dependency on technology.

But in a bid to remind creatives about the importance of paper, paper distributor Antalis has created the Book of 12, a new project that gives free reign to 12 graphic designers.

The designers were each set the brief to create a notebook that reflected their personal style; they were left to choose which paper to use, as well as what colour palette, typeface and cover it would have, as well as feature a printed interview between the book’s designer and writer/graphic design specialist Véronique Vienne on the inside pages. 

“With the Book of 12 project, we wanted to hear what those in the graphic design and art community had to say about the role of paper in an increasingly digitalised world,” says Antalis marketing director Ian Webb. “Their very clear response is that paper remains a unique medium that delivers an emotional experience that digital devices cannot rival and is a [constant] source of inspiration.However, we should not put paper and digital in opposition. Both have an important and complementary role to play in ensuring that communication is as effective as possible; a role that continues to evolve, driven by the latest advances in technology.”

The involved designers come from varied backgrounds, hailing from the UK, the US, Brazil and Iran among other countries with different experiences, having working independently, for brands or for ad agencies.


Watch the designers get interviewed by Vienne below:


The most famous of the bunch is American graphic designer Milton Glaser – known for his iconic I NY logo and 1967 Bob Dylan poster. 

While all the designers acknowledged the powerful impact of technology, they all revealed their love of paper as it continued to inspire their thoughts, speed up their creative processes and encourage a more emotional response.

To find out more about the initiative or to order a selection of the beautifully-bound books (covers, above), click here.
