
After 15 years within the walls of one of London's most celebrated creative agencies, Sarah Pollard, BBH's communications director, left her role this week. But before leaving she promised to reveal to us an example of a typical day in her shoes; so here it is.



08.15: Walk while gossiping across Hyde Park with BBH's new business director, Nic Manser. Considering we sit next to each other, this is probably overkill but he’s quite amusing. I love my city.


09.00: Arrive at the Mothersheep via the Green Juice shop where I overpay for a bunch of vegetables squeezed into a cup that I could have done myself at home with a Nutribullet for free. New business and comms in one great big fusion of breton tops.


09.01: Walk through a building in which I have resided in for 15 years. So many memories in these walls.


09.15: Admire the fashion choice of CSO Jason Gonsalves who never seems to be wearing things ironically. Never a dull moment in his presence!



11.00: Editorial committee meeting. Yep. We publish now, not just PR. Mining the agency for stories is always fun and I enjoy channeling my Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada as I preside over today’s ideas. I’ve got shit clothes though so it doesn’t have quite the same impact.

(L-R) CSO Jonathan Bottomley, global CCO Pelle Sjoenell Global CCO and CSO Jason Gonsalves - see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.


12.00: Meeting with chief production officer, Davud Karbassioun. This is beginning to sound like a giant love in but... Dav knows how to get the best out of creatives and directors. He is the third person in the creative team.


12.30: Meeting with CD Ian Heartfield who talks us through two Audi scripts that put a spring in my step. Even after so long, I still appreciate the opportunity to spend time with truly creative people. They have different brains to us mere mortals. We discuss early ideas on how to make it famous with my number two, Isobel [Barnes].


14.00: John Hegarty catch up on speeches. Looking after Sir John Hegarty in Cannes is a bit like dealing with Bono. I’ve had to bat selfie seekers out of the way while rushing down the Croisette but he’s always his charming self. This is the best hour of the day obviously.


16.00: Matt and Chris show me new Tesco print campaign. I love this work. Hurrah for ideas.



17.00: Global CCO Pelle Sjoenell is in today. We are in good hands now he's running the global trainset. These are his pony skin shoes. Very LA (not very London puddles).



18.00: BBH's movie quiz night is always my favourite night of the year. Everyone gets into teams with a fancy dress theme. This year it’s London Underground and my team is Waterloo. I interpreted it in a slightly different way unfortunately!

Well as they say around here “when the world zigs, zag.”

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