
Creative director/partner at Wave Studios and animated Arsenal nut Parv Thind gets inspiration from Summer In The City (the Quincy Jones track) and summer in the city (of Barcelona). He loves Thought It. Bought It but can’t think who would buy speakers for £120k. Apparently, he’s as Humble & Epic as Spike Jonze and Evel Knievel


What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen in the last few months?

I thought the Amazon Thought It. Bought It campaign by Lucky Generals was really funny. Not only did I think the end line was excellent but Andy McLeod also directed the films brilliantly, as he always does, with just the right amount of humour.



What’s your favourite website?

I’m always looking out for posts from Dave Dye’s website,, as well as his Pinterest account. His blogs are fascinating. He interviews some interesting people and chooses really creative content.


What website do you use most regularly?

Honestly, probably


Mac or PC?



What product could you not live without?

It would be quite tough to do my job without a decent set of sound monitors. Exigy makes the set in my studio and the quality is above and beyond.


What product hasn’t been invented yet that would make your life/job better?

Hindsight before the fact would be pretty useful.


What track/artist do you listen to for inspiration?

That’s a really tough question as I have to listen to everything as part of my job. Quincy Jones’ Summer In The City is one of my all-time favourites, I hear something new in that track with every listen.



What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

It’s a while back now but I really enjoyed Interstellar. I was blown away by Hans Zimmer’s score even on the first listen, but there’s still so much to find out about it. I read somewhere that he chose the organ because the airiness of the sound through the pipes replicates the spacesuited astronauts’ experience, where every breath is precious – which is also why the human choir exhales.


If you could live in one city, where would it be?

I do love London, but for me Barcelona has everything. The sun, the city, the arts, just the culture – it’s great there.


What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

I was quite chuffed recently at being included in [director] Ben Gregor’s Humble & Epic exhibition at the Herrick Gallery. Couldn’t believe that my name was up there alongside the likes of Spike Jonze, Dave Waters, Johnny Vegas, even Evel Knievel. Also light art gallery Lights Of Soho is worth a trip.



Which fictitious character do you most relate to?

I wouldn’t want to insult anyone, fictional or not – I’m probably animated enough, to be honest…


What’s your favourite magazine?

Most of the creative content I read is online. Other than Stuff magazine – I’m still trying to work out who can afford to put £120k worth of hi-fi speakers in their living room. The Sunday Times is great too.


Who’s your favourite photographer?

It’s difficult to say because there are so many, but AMV BBDO’s Tim Riley’s Instagram feed is pretty good. @TimReally


Who’s your favourite designer?

Currently it’s B3. They just redesigned my room and I love everything about it. The mantelpiece even has room for (some of) my vinyl collection.


If you could have been in any band, what band would you choose?

A tough call between The J.B.’s, the Beastie Boys or Run DMC. Maybe I could be the engineer for all three instead.

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