
If you're still guzzling Easter chocolates and mourning the bank holiday weekend, join Forever Beta's ECD/partner Matthew Saunby for a day shooting Co-op's Be a good egg campaign.

Far from boring, Matt promises to have you in stitches kissing bulldogs, pulling faces and enjoying his time in the agency's creative helmet. Never a dull moment it seems!


08.30: Every morning I take a shot of Forever Beta’s back door to update our animated gif for our website. The doors change everyday. They are always in Beta. Just like our agency.


09.00: First things first, a quick video call with the Manchester office.


10.30: A sofa meeting to talk about a book that we’re currently producing. I’ve just realised I’m dressed as Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. Scary stuff.


11.00: A walk-and-talk creative review with one of our top teams. It takes exactly five minutes to walk around our block, so it’s perfect for a meeting... the blood pumps around the brain, the street stimulates the senses, Adam can have a smoke and it also means the meetings finish on time. These are our most productive meetings and they burn more calories.


11.15: Quick session in the sound studio. Just going through some tracks. Can I get a re-re-wind?


11.30: On the casting couch, I promised Vinnie the dog he could star in our latest Co-op Valentine’s commercial, for just one kiss. No tongues.


12.27: Pop down to our Easter Good Egg shoot  - serious face on - it looks like I’m munching on a squirrel's sphincter. We’re using a hidden camera crew to set up stunts for an unexpecting public. We’ve created some eggsperiments to find out how many good eggs there are in London - turns out there’s more than you think.


12.37: Me giving some direction to our actor - “What’s your motivation?” “You need to live the part”, “What would Bobby De Niro do?”


14.00: Dash back to the office for our daily catch up with our New York office.  We talk about the 6ft snowfall and updates on new projects. Wish we had a snow day, I’d build a big snowman in Victoria Park and call him the Fonz. Double cool.


16.00: The 4pm creative lull. Time for our creative helmet - it taps into the wonders of the universe and pumps creative ectoplasm into the brain's micro-nerve endings, which then oscillates into big creative platform ideas that you can actually smell... Some people believe that this smells better than bacon. Everyone wears it once a day for one minute. Any longer and the brain can’t handle the creative bacon and you simply implode.


19.30: I finish the day with bananas and Guinness. It’s been a long but fun day.  Having fun is serious business. Here at Forever Beta, play is a big part of what we do. It’s our culture. We want people to feel free to muck about and do fun stuff, because when you’re having fun, the mind is more open to new ideas. And new ideas change the world.

Now, where did I put that creative helmet...

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