
Self-billed 'obsessive and workaholic' director Dean Blumberg chronicles a typically hectic day's shoot along South Africa's stunning coastline. It's a tough job, but hey, somebody's got to do it....

05.00: Woah. How long have they been staring at me? I hope they just want food. No time to play…


05.17: Lucky boots. An acquisition from my first short film (stolen from an army base, in truth). 


07.30: On the plane from Joburg to Cape Town. No Internet – no disturbances. Time to catch up on mails and enjoy the view past my producer, who’s too busy to take note of it.


10.30: In the rental car headed for casting, past Table Mountain and her famous ‘cloth’. 


13.00: Lunch and a meeting with producer and wardrobe stylist.  Discussing the wardrobe for our lead - a sleazy, oily-haired salesman.  



14.00: Back in the car. Headed for the first location — the beach. And then this guy comes out of nowhere.


14.15: Scouting a series of beaches. Got my art director Chris along with us. Beautiful water – so cold you can’t put a toe in it.  Sand smells good too…?


16.05: Pity the story doesn’t call for a Tim Burton-esque tree.


16.15: Last mission— the coastal road. A gorgeous stretch. Perfect for the commercial. In a rush now. Still have to drive the route we are shooting and beat rush hour back to the airport.



17.00: A manic day coming to an end. We make it to the airport with a little time to spare. I notice I broke a shoelace on my lucky boot, and my paranoid side kicks in. Is it a sign?



22.00: Arrive back in Johannesburg. Got an unexpected call from the U.S about an interesting job, so have a short call with my reps while I drive home.


22.45: Greeted by the boys. Find my wife reading. Put on a little music, pour a drink. My favourite place.



23.30: Feels good to achieve so much in a day. The adrenaline is wearing off, but before I pass out I’m going to read the little pocket book I found at the airport bookstore. Three pages in and I’m man down. 
