
For several consecutive years now, Colin Jeffery has overseen some notable Super Bowl campaigns for David & Goliath's long-term client, Kia. They haven't always necessarily featured movie stars, but last year,the project came in the form of a snow-themed spot fronted by Pierce Brosnan for the Sorento and in 2016, for the 50th Super Bowl, Christopher Walken is the star of the show.

Below, Jeffery recalls his first day on set with the actor, as well as talking us through various other aspects of a typical day in his Los Angeles life.



05:30 Rise and shine: Rudely awoken, not by Christopher Walken, but by my sons and our puppy. They've collectively decided it's time for the world to wake up.


07:00 Not a bad start: A perfect winter’s morning in Marina del Rey. Quick run to the gym, where I workout while juggling emails about Walken’s sock... We’re still not entirely sure what the sock (center) will look like.


08:30 Paradise: LA; famous for its traffic and horrendous commutes. Luckily, my commute takes all of 15 minutes along the water from Marina del Rey to El Segundo.

The view is a daily reminder that life is good; I don’t take it for granted.


08:45 To the office: Arrive at work. I usually get in early to get a head start on the day.

My assistant, Kory, and I sit down to discuss our game plan. It’s going to be busy; we’re shooting Super Bowl and prepping a bunch of other projects.


09:30 Talking socks: Kia Super Bowl meeting to discuss our digital/social strategy, Pizzazz sock packaging and the Stance sock partnership. We’re putting an influencer programme together, revolving around #AddPizzazz.


10:30 Designer spaces: Meet with Mike Geiger to discuss our new office — we want to put a large desk on one side and create a meeting area. Hopefully, this will streamline the creative process and get our departments working more closely together.


12:00 Walken to Hollywood: Across town to Hollywood Center Studios to shoot with Christopher Walken. Living in LA makes multitasking easier. You can drive to a shoot, then back to the office or to another meeting. I love that I can be on a set but also pop home to put the kids to bed.



14:00 Action!: On set with the team. Good news! We've managed to sort out the sock issue. Everything’s running smoothly. 


15:00 Ring ring: Conference calls. Firstly, to discuss the next Kia Hamsters campaign - we need to start narrowing down our ideas. And secondly, a call with D&G new business team to talk about two potential pitches.



19:00 Aaaand it's a wrap: Wrapped shoot day one of three. Walken was amazing as expected. I contemplate heading back to the office to review work on various other projects... but decide to head home instead. 


21:00 And a well-deserved nightcap: Whisky on the rocks; check email and review rough cuts for various other projects.

By 22:30, I'm done and dusted. Tomorrow, we have an early call time - excited to watch Walken do his thing again.

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