
What’s the best ad campaign you’ve seen recently?

Best recent campaign for me has to be Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I love how they dripped in content and created an amazing anticipation around the world.  From their omni-channel campaign to a host of license partner activities, they’ve managed to touch anyone with an affinity for the old films while connecting to new generations ready to carry the torch (or saber).

Proof of this success is already evident in its box office record $517 million opening weekend.


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

YouTube, it has everything. It’s also my go to music source. Ars Electronica for inspiration. Arsenal FC’s Arseblog and Australian surf photography website Aquabumps' daily updates to get my mornings started.



What’s the most recent piece of tech you’ve bought and why?

A TomTom multisport watch with integrated heart rate monitor. It’s been a great piece of kit for running or cycling.


Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?

Facebook - having a small child, it’s the easiest way to keep family abroad updated. Most content ends up there eventually.

What’s your favourite app on your phone and why?

Buienalarm. It’s a translated weather alarm which gives me rain warnings based on my geo-location and tells me how hard and how long it will last. Believe me, riding a bike in Amsterdam makes this app golden. It can be the difference between getting soaked or waiting 10 minutes and riding dry.


What’s your favourite TV show and why?

Dexter. It teased the dark side while playing with our moral compass. I've never met anyone who wanted Dexter to be caught.



What film do you think everyone should have seen?

Idiocracy. Not an amazing movie but hugely poignant. Sometimes I think society is heading in the wrong direction to turn this sci-fi film into a documentary. Idealistically I hope we can turn it around.



Where were you when inspiration last struck?

About to get on a conference call. We were talking about what we were going to discuss for a television show we’re creating and came up with an additional route. We postponed the call and wrote up the new direction. 



What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

A shift from passive engagement to a desire for interactive experiences and entertainment. We’ve moved beyond one-way messages or simply badging logos on events or sponsorships to connect to people. The consumers are now producers. People want to help curate, participate and/or be motivated by brands before deciding to include them in their world. They look for companies to contribute to whatever environment they’re in. The power is in the hands of the people but brands should have an active voice.



If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

Stop categorising people as ‘consumers’ of products and services and engage their passions and motivations as people. That and the amount of beards.

What or who has most influenced your career and why?

A friend and former colleague named Michael Barnes. He saw something in me when I was starting out and really took me under his wing. From active listening to design thinking, he pushed everything I did to ensure it had real purpose. That stayed with me as I’ve grown as a professional. When building active communities, be it physical or digital, I always try to strike a balance between what the brand wants and what will create the emotional connections we need for people to engage.   

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I’m a bike nerd. I love building my own bikes piece by piece.


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