

What piece of work are you tipping or would you like to see win in Cannes this year and why? 

I Will What I Want: Gisele Bündchen - Droga5, New York. I love this, it has a really great personal feel, the art direction is really spot on, to portray someone like Gisele who is normally so highly produced as a fashion image. It feels raw, real-time and love the use of typography in the physical space.


What website(s) do you use most regularly in your daily life and why?

Instagram, I find the images that tell the story of people's’ lives very interesting. It's such a great, great way to say so many things, in one photo, and share with the world in a second.

What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

Bowers and Wilkins P5’s (amazing headphones).

Seems I’ve started to travel even more these days.



Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the week of Cannes?


What’s your favourite app on your phone and why?

My favourite app is the telephone, being able to talk to people in real time. Still cool.



What’s your favourite TV show and why and how/when do you tend to view it?

Don’t have a favourite TV show. If anything, I love to watch really early episodes of Cheers where Sammy (Ted Danson) is about 25 - brilliant!




What film do you think everyone should have seen?

ET - Essential Spielberg classic viewing, for any young aspiring director.

Erin Brockovich - Albert Finney is amazing, I think it’s one of Steven Soderbergh’s best films.



What place do you think everyone should have been?

Bali, 15 years ago.

Where were you when inspiration last struck?

On a canoe in Amsterdam forest this morning.



And what’s your top tip for the week of Cannes Lions – either in terms of getting through the week or soaking up the inspiration?

Drink sparkling water with ice and lemon in-between every other drink.

How has Cannes changed in the years you’ve been visiting the Festival?

There is so much more of a brand presence these days. Sadly, it really is about shouting the loudest.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

I’d love to see advertising agencies focussing on doing more ‘good' work for the planet. A lot of them have the power to really shape the direction of brands a lot more than they do.

What’s the most important thing you’ll take away or hope to take away from Cannes this year in terms of progressing your business or creative or personal development and learning?

For me it's good learning about where the industry is really heading. The work that wins is always a great benchmark for the rest of the world to aspire to.

What or who has most influenced your career and why?

My children and wife are my biggest inspirations by far. They always remind me of where I’m from, and that the simplest ideas are always the best.
