
Late-night Breaking Bad binges and Wiki fixes are just some of the things that take the former fashionista's fancy.

What piece of work are you tipping or would you like to see win in Cannes this year and why?

Honda's The Other Side campaign as it was a good idea, that was well executed. 

John Lewis' Monty The Penguin because the concept was universal, human and beautiful. And the campaign only further demonstrated the power of film. 

And Lidl Bosses Milk which was a gutsy, creative and effective piece of work.


What website do you use most regularly in your daily life and why?

Wikipedia is a quick information fix on anything random that puzzles me daily.

What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

A new laptop for home use, mostly for creating films and content.

Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the week of Cannes?


What’s your favourite app on your phone and why?

Spotify, cause I cannot live without music.

What’s your favourite TV show and why? How/when do you tend to view it?

I hardly ever watch TV. But I am currently catching up on old series - which I typically start around midnight. At the moment I'm on Breaking Bad (yes, I know, I am probably the last one to watch it).

What film do you think everyone should see?

Videodrome or Existenz.

What place do you think everyone should go to?

Amsterdam Noord.

Where were you when inspiration last struck?

It strikes every day, all the time. Our head of strategy says I'm like Vicky the Viking.

And what’s your top tip for the week of Cannes Lions – either in terms of getting through the week or soaking up the inspiration?

Meet, meet, meet as many people as possible. And of course our session on Thursday (at the Inspiration stage between 12.40 and 13.10) where I will be speaking together with TomTom's Gary Raucher about competiting with the big players.

How has Cannes changed in the years you’ve been visiting the Festival?

There's been a wider variety of attendees and not just ad agency reps but also (tech) media, clients and others.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

That it attracted more unconventional people, clients and work please.

What’s the most important thing you’ll take away or hope to take away from Cannes this year in terms of progressing your business or creative or personal development and learning?

Hopefully lots of awards. And I hope that it will be great for generating culture, talent, client relationships and more business.

What or who has most influenced your career and why?

My love for technology and science fiction.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I used to have my own fashion label.

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