
Charity Conducts Anti-Smoking Tinder Test

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According to statistics young people make up the largest group of smokers in the US. Traditional advertising and warnings about the dangers of the habit don’t seem to be as effective as they could be, despite many expressing ambitions to quit.

To further highlight the dangers of smoking and the potential unattractive image it portrays, anti-smoking charity, ASH (Action Smoking on Health) collaborated with two agency creatives on a social experiment conducted via popular dating app, Tinder. The idea behind the experiment was to investigate if smoking was found to be attractive among young people.

Two profiles were created on the app, one clearly seen to be a smokers and one not to be, and the experiment was put into action. The location-based dating app helps mutually interested users meet and strike up a conversation and the video above shows the result of the test with both profiles analysed.

The same “beautiful” woman was used for each with the only difference being the inclusion of a cigarette in one of the accounts’ photos.

The non-smoker profile received 54 per cent matches while the smoking account received only 29 per cent after the likes had been calculated. While the results aren’t dramatically different they do suggest that smoking isn’t seen as a hot highlight in the dating world.
