
Ben Shaw, strategy director and head of social at BBH London will appear at the second annual Advertising Week Europe festival next week when the two share a stage with the agency’s group CEO, Gwyn Jones, to offer a reflective view of the industry from two very different standpoints at their session Full Circle: How Advertising Went on a Journey and Arrived Back at the Start.

Both BBH graduates, the pair will offer their shared vision on how the industry must perform to stand in good stead in future years – Gwyn being one of the original employees of the company and Ben a more recent recruit.

Below, Shaw gives us his thoughts on Advertising Week Europe and his own talk, offering a snapshot of what to expect from the session, his own expectations for the wider festival and the pride of London.

Tell us about some of the themes your session will cover this year at Advertising Week…

How advertising has come full circle, from the days of yesteryear when ad agencies looked after every aspect of a clients comms business to today where agencies are more specialised than ever.

We're starting to see some small loops emerge where agencies are starting to add more value by offering services beyond traditional creativity - whether that means getting involved in builds, media or performance. This is the future for agency growth, delivering more than just shiny bubbles - making sure they are optimised and perform. 

What else on the agenda are you looking forward to next week?

There's a number of talks on the reintegration of TV and digital which are interesting, but as a football fanatic I'm most interested in hearing the FA's talk on Brazil being a 'social world cup'.

How do you think the industry has changed since last year’s inaugural festival in London?

The industry seems to be getting closer and closer to technology; 3D printing, mobile and VR seem to be on everyone’s lips.

How important do you think Advertising Week Europe is for London as a city and its creative community?

London is the hub of comms creativity for Europe so it’s vital we continue to lead the agenda.

How has the preparation been going for your talk/discussion?

I’ve been trying to fit it in around the day job and multi-locations, but it’s been fine.

What do you hope people take away from your session?

I hope they start thinking about the bigger picture, the importance of creativity that performs and the implications that has for broader brand strategy.

With so much going on throughout the week, how do you advise people approach the event?

Don't be afraid to leave a talk if you don't think its right, there's plenty of others to see. Keep a check on Twitter for what events seem to be attracting the most buzz.

What can you recommend for international visitors coming to London away from the seminar sessions?

Get a pint of London Pride in a pub.

To read more about the festival and register to attend please Advertising Week Europe.

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