
This Sunday [5 November] it's Bonfire Night in the UK - a date traditionally celebrated with the burning of a man's effigy on top of a flaming pyre, the cracking of molars on rock-hard toffee apples and, of course, the lighting of incendiary devices, which fail to go off when observed from a safe distance, but inevitably blow up in your face when you go back to check on them.


This year, the must-have firework isn't a catherine wheel, firecracker or fountain. It's a set of miniature missiles... created by none other than baby-faced North Korean despot, Kim Jong-Un.



The fireworks, which come in a pack of four and feature packaging emblazoned with warnings such as 'May Turn Land of Enemies into Sea of Dust', are brought to you by London agency Don't Panic, who claim that 'sometimes the best way to puncture the tension and threat of complete annihilation is with a little satire.'



If you want to witness 'The Rightful Destruction of 'War-Mongering Orange Face Western Puppet Dog in Skies of Hellfire', then contact to get your hands on a box.

Your Bonfire Night is sure to go off with a bang...

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