
Since the inauguration of Barack Obama eight years ago, technology has gone through some pretty insane changes and growth. Therefore, it’s early surprising that, in their final few months in office, the Obama administration used the now-ubiquitous smartphone to put the history of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the pockets of anyone who wants it.

Created by Nexus Studios’ innovative Interactive Arts division and featuring animation and design from Nexus Studios director Jack Cunningham, the free app ‘1600' allows the public to explore the White House using augmented reality technology.  Narrated by White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, all the user needs to experience the tale is a one dollar bill, from which the familiar building emerges and allows movement freely in 360 degrees, as different events take place in and around it. 

We loved the application of the exciting tech, so caught up with Luke Ritchie, Head of Interactive Arts at Nexus, to chat about the origins of the project, How the elements came together and what it was like to work with the White House.

The curious can check out the app here (for iPhone) and here (for Android).
