
SourceEcreative Presents Visits Paris In The Springtime

Another month means another stop on SourceEcreative's 'Presents' world tour, and this time we took our showcase of top-notch short-form creativity to the city of romance itself to entreat the best of French adland workers. Generously hosted by BETC Paris in their amazing screening/function room, the evening saw 100 creative professionals gather together to indulge in a glass of wine and evening of bite-size visual goodies.

The event kicked off with an inspirational talk from BETC's President and CCO Stéphane Xiberras. Hot on the heels of 'The Bear' being recognised as the 'Most Awarded Ad Of All Time' by the Gunn Report, Stéphane chatted about the productivity of BETC, the industry's output in general and how you have to have all elements in place to create truly great work. Peppered with examples of great (and not so great) spots, Mr Xiberras proved an entertaining and insightful speaker.

Guest Speaker Stéphane Xiberras (President and CCO of BETC) runs through a few advertising home truths.

Following a quick break to recharge glasses, the audience returned to their seats and prepared for our selection of the best shorts, promos and experimental pieces from signed and unsigned directors. Amongst the 17 films shown were Filip Sterckx's magnificent projection-mapping journey 'Sweater', Ilya Naishuller's ultra-violent and ultra-stylish POV action opus 'Bad Motherf*cker' and DANIELS' gloriously realised dance-drama 'Cry Like A Ghost'.

We were also lucky enough to be joined by a few of the directors being showcased, including Alexis Beaumont and Remi Godin, whose 'Let's Go' video was one of the highlights of the unsigned section and the irrepressible Megaforce, who allowed us to preview their brand new pop promo before it was even released online.

Members can check out the full list of films shown here, and if you can see a selection of snaps from the evening below and on our Facebook page.

Next stop… HAMBURG!

SourceEcreative Worldwide Editor Jamie Madge introduces the evening (sadly not in French as he didn't want to be laughed out of the room).

The crowd return to their seats for the creative onslaught to come.

SourceEcreative MD James Straker chats to French Directors' Nicolas Du Boullay.

We certainly know how to keep their audiences fed and watered!

Jamie Madge shares a joke with Bruno Dejonghe, Partner at Belgian Production Company Wrong.

Photos courtesy of Ludgero Filipe -

Posted on 23 April 2013
