
Because golf fans deserve something special too, Kiran from Slash Dynamic directed Cut Golf’s first commercial featuring the true king of Super Bowl spots… A King Penguin. “Mix Up” debuted on Big Game Sunday on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Cut Golf, creator of The Best Damn Golf Balls Under 20 Bucks, used social media to share their epic ad with the world on Sunday, February 3rd. The commercial went live at 9 AM on Super Bowl Sunday, coincidentally also a big day in golf, with the final round of the 2019 Waste Management Phoenix Open also started at 9 AM.

Kiran traveled to Iceland with a skeleton crew and shoestring budget to tell the tale of golf enthusiast with a conscience. Our hero travels the Nordic Island, scaling glaciers to find a king penguin who has mistaken a Cut Golf Ball for it’s egg and disappears. Our hero valiantly searches the Land of Fire and Ice braving the arctic weather until he finds the penguin and safely returns it’s egg and recovers his beloved Cut Golf Ball.

Kiran shared his production journey, “Faced with a script I loved, a tiny budget, and a location that called for a glacier, we had to be unconventional and downright brazen to get this made. I found the perfect location while perusing Instagram, and narrowed it down to being somewhere on the southeastern coast of Iceland. So, my DP and I flew there with the actor–nervously confident of being able to get the footage we needed. We had no crew, or local support. We found the glacier using Google Maps half way through our scouting day, which was marred by a serious blizzard. We never saw the Northern Lights due to this crappy weather. Sigh!

My DP, Mike Jensen, shot the whole thing on his Red Helium in 8K, and also operated the Inspire 2 drone we’d taken along (he’s a pilot and shoots a ton of aerial stuff, so it was in his wheelhouse of tricks). Jensen eventually colored and finished the spot as well. We shot the spot over 2 days, with about 7 hours of light each day. All our gear had to fit in the vintage Land Rover Defender we rented, as we were around 5 hours away from Reykjavik. I built a fairly accurate stand-in for the King Penguin out of an old Ikea lamp, and attached the CG tracking ball to it. It was easy to dismantle and pack into our limited luggage. I recruited my dear friend, Jack Westerholt to star in the spot. Jack doubles as a Copywriter at an agency in Dallas”

Cut Golf is known for making tour-quality golf balls that don’t cost a fortune, and they wouldn’t spend millions of dollars on advertising during the Big Game either.

“At Cut Golf, being creative and standing out from the pack doesn’t necessarily mean you need a huge budget. I think our “Big Game” commercial proves just that by providing viewers with an appealing story without the six or seven figure production cost,” says Dennis Chang, co-founder of Cut Golf.
