
When people imagine an airplane being flown, the image that comes to mind for most kids and the majority of adults is of a man. That’s because currently only 2% of the captains of commercial flights in Brazil are women. To start changing this reality, that is backed by the statistics, Azul Linhas Aéreas is promoting an initiative called #ElasLáEmCima (#WomenUpThere), created by Isobar Brazil.

On March, on domestic flights with women captains, Azul will open the doors of the cockpit to children in order to inspire them to pursue this career. Passengers will be informed about the presence of women in the cockpit, and according to availability, the children on board will be invited to meet them. Passengers will also be encouraged to share the experience by using the hashtag #ElasLáEmCima (#WomenUpThere).

Azul Linhas Aéreas is one of the pioneers in acknowledging women in aviation and it is proud to be the airline with the biggest number of women pilots.

The initiative will be promoted through a video posted on Azul’s social networks, which portrays the reaction of a girl when she sees that the plane she is on is actually flown by a woman.

The spot was directed by Thiago Zanato and produced by EnCaliente Filmes.
