
Greenpeace Wasteminster

The United Kingdom dumps 688,000 tonnes of plastic a year on other countries. Read that again. The best part of this film is that everything (or every lie) Boris [Johnson] and [Michael] Gove say has actually been taken from their previous speeches. And the plastic falling on top on of Boris is a real-time visualisation, to scale, of how much plastic is 'exported' by the UK, every single day.

Greenpeace – Wasteminster

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The Kiyan Prince Foundation Long Live the Prince

Unfortunately, it’s all too possible the US will have some obvious wins, with campaigns that shouldn’t have to exist, about people losing their lives to guns. Firearms are illegal in the UK, but another epidemic is rampant here – knife crime. Not only for the results it had, but because it beautifully shows the talents the world loses when young people are robbed of their lives, we’re hoping this one brings a Lion home too. 

The Kiyan Prince Foundation – Long Live The Prince

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HSBC UK Vicious Circle 

There’s a certain nauseating feeling to this film. It’s been cleverly made to cause it, so you can experience, even for just a few seconds, the emotional vertigo homeless people feel when they try to “pick themselves up” and better their lives. Do you still feel a bit sick? Good. So you should. Our bodies should have a physical reaction to the desperation of other people. This is a great idea, executed brilliantly, for an even better initiative.

HSBC – Vicious Circle

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KFC #UntilWeCanFingerLickAgain 

From worthiness to silliness at breakneck speed. When your brandline is in direct contradiction to the advice of every single doctor in the world, you’re either a conspiracy theorist brand or KFC. What do you do? Well, if you’re KFC, you steal all the best lines, tried and tested by very successful brands (even competitors), and you try them on yourself. No fit? No problem. Use it anyways. This is KFC being KFC (and Mother being Mother). This should be celebrated.

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Ok, so, we went rogue. But what’s a brief response without a wild card? This isn’t UK, but it’s from our country, Portugal, from Stream and Tough Guy, who briefly worked in the UK. A living piece of clothing that produces oxygen. During its life cycle, the poncho neutralises the impact of its production, improves the immediate environment of the wearer and produces approximately the same amount of O2 as an oak tree. How insane/unbelievable/Lion-worthy is that? 
