
Tretorn Sea Level Re-Boot

A simple and genius product tweak that tells an important story. It's a great campaign with a great name and great design. Reminds me why I love Forsman. 

Tretorn – Sea Level Re-Boot

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McDonald’s The Golden Number

I’m a sucker for phone number ideas. This is one of the best I’ve seen in quite some time. Respect to whoever figured out the tones and sold this to their CD.

McDonald's – The Golden Number

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Oatly Help Dad

A spot-on strategy. This campaign is a fun execution of a strong insight. Each year it becomes harder and harder to pick my favourite Oatly work. The Oatly Department of Mind Control [the brand's in-house creative team] continues to amaze.

Oatly – What Have We Here - Help Dad

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Visit Sweden Discover The Originals

More than a spoof. A brilliant insight that brings instant relatability and love to Sweden. I’d definitely go visit if I didn’t already live here. Mission accomplished.

Visit Sweden – Discover The Originals

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H&M Wear That Feeling

I'm very biased on this one but I think the world needs an H&M and Pete Davidson collaboration right now. It's brilliantly directed by Tim Godsall. A reminder how much fun a thirty second spot can be if you do it right. 

H&M – The Dentist

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