
Bang Bang and Sonzero Films Join Forces

It's hard to think of Indian commercial work without thinking of Bang Bang Films – the region's premier world-facing production house whose content-for-brands across multiple platforms and geographies has earned them a well-deserved reputation. Likewise, when considering fashion and beauty advertising, Jim Sonzero's name is top of the list – his directing credentials and reel of high-end brands marking him out as an expert in the field.

Therefore, it goes without saying that a collaboration between the two is something of a big deal!

Announced late last month, Jim Sonzero and Bang Bang Films have joined forces to create a unique joint venture - SONZERO FILMS INDIA/BANG BANG. Primarily focused on beauty, lifestyle and storytelling, the new boutique has just completed its inaugural project, a L'Oreal Fall Repair campaign with Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor.

No stranger to working in India, Sonzero is best known in the region for his L'Oreal work and more recently, Livon Silky Potions featuring Rachel Bayros. This new partnership Sonzero Films India/Bang Bang Films reflects an ever-changing advertising landscape, one that has Sonzero forging new ground as the first director to make this type of commitment to the Indian market.

We grabbed a few moments with Sonzero and Bang Bang's Founder & CEO Roopak Saluja to chat about the new initiative, the work to be produced and how the industry differs in South Asia.

What was the appeal of working with each other?

Jim Sonzero - Bang Bang is a vibrant production company with a solid reputation for delivering high quality production. More importantly Roopak Saluja, the owner, is a straight shooter - I like the way he does business. He has integrity and is quite brilliant. He treats everyone with respect - I trust him. When considering who to partner with in the Indian market Bang Bang was the best fit for Sonzero Films India. I have been working consistently in India for 4 years and have worked with Bang Bang before.

Roopak Saluja - We've already had one really successful innings working with Jim in the past. Being one of Asia's strongest companies in the beauty space, we've worked with a lot of top directorial talent from around the world, so we're well qualified to have a credible reference point in stating that Jim is one of the best around. Aside from a really evolved aesthetic, he brings to the table an ease and experience in working with A-list celebrities, topped off with an exceptionally professional and dedicated work ethic. What makes it more interesting is that he's more than just a beauty director. The fact that he's behind not just some of the best looking beauty spots around the world but has also directed the story sequences of Killzone 3 should give you a fair idea of his diverse range.

What do you think Jim can offer the Indian market?

Roopak Saluja - Bang Bang is known to have raised the bar in terms of production values and aesthetic in South Asia since we set up six years ago. Our alliance with Sonzero Films and offering Jim as a director just goes to further augment those standards in the Indian market. While Jim's work in India has primarily been in the beauty space thus far, we aim to leverage his diverse experience across categories. In the next few months, we should see him bag some juicy visual effects and automotive campaigns for a start.

Jim, what do you think you can bring to the Indian market?

Jim Sonzero - I think the most important thing a director can bring to the table besides their film making talents, is experience and reputation. Especially in today's hectic budget challenged production landscape a director who is reliable is meaningful to Indian agencies. Having worked successfully in many categories like storytelling, beauty, automotive, lifestyle, comedy, video game animation, visual effects and celebrity driven campaigns, I am able to offer valuable expertise and a robust collection of skill sets.

Jim Sonzero and Roopak Saluja

Do you think you need to team up with a well-regarded production house like Bang Bang to get a presence in India?

Roopak Saluja - Well, if you're serious about this market, you probably do. There are many directors and companies interested in India but what sets Sonzero Films apart is its level of commitment. Either way, if you're looking to enter India and you don't have the right partnership- whatever form it may take- you're in for a rough time in a tough market.

Do you feel you have to work globally to be successful as a director?

Jim Sonzero - To me a working director is a successful director. Now more than ever it's important to be relevant internationally as well as domestically. Working globally has made me a better director and exposed me to so many influences. I especially love working in India. There is a spirit and a drive there unlike anywhere else. It's amazing to be a part of it.

Does your agency background inform your approach to commercial directing?

Jim Sonzero - My career in advertising originated on the agency side so I am sensitive to the pressures and problems that agencies have to deal with. As soon as I engage on a project I become part of the team. It's important to be collaborative and offer solutions.

Bang Bang's vibrant office in Mumbai, from which Sonzero will work.

Do you think the production processes differ? Will the team at Bang Bang be on hand to guide through the pitfalls?

Roopak Saluja - If you go by the general market norm, yes they do differ. But Bang Bang Films functions like any globally competent company. Several A-list directors and seasoned producers have likened our production process and experience to shooting in Los Angeles, London, Barcelona or Cape Town. The production at Sonzero Films India/Bang Bang is powered by Bang Bang's production prowess. Though I don't spend much time at shoots any more, I'm always a speed-dial click away from Jim if he needs me.

What makes collaborations like this so successful?

Jim Sonzero - Sonzero Films India/ Bang Bang is a formidable powerhouse boutique. We have a streamlined business model that allows us to focus resources and work smarter. Our combined forces are a great match.

Roopak Saluja - What Jim said. Plus trust, commitment and communication. We don't always agree on everything but when we don't, we discuss and agree on a way forward. We're both in it for the long-term and that mutual trust allows us to think that way.

What sort of work do you hope to put out?

Roopak Saluja - Work that is constantly raising the bar for the industry- locally, regionally and even globally.

Jim Sonzero - My goal is to deliver gorgeous breakthrough work in every category and hopefully pick up some awards along the way. Plain and simple.

What's up next?

Jim Sonzero - In the Indian market I just completed a 4 spot L'Oreal shoot with Aishwarya Rai and I am bidding on a celebrity spot for Lakme which is shooting in two weeks.

Roopak Saluja - Yet another L'Oreal with Aishwarya Rai (the fourth one for Jim and Bang Bang), on air in a month. We're bidding on another beauty job and there's a lot of interest in Jim for upcoming non-beauty projects that I've already spoken of.

Posted on 8th August 2013
