
Amsterdam Enjoys What 'The Source Presents'

Thursday 31st January saw SourceEcreative's brand new screening night 'The Source Presents' descend upon Amsterdam's Pakhuis de Zwijger, showcasing the very best in moving-image creativity to the Dutch advertising community. Presented by SourceEcreative's Jamie Madge, the evening saw two guest speakers share their knowledge with the packed-out auditorium before the lights were dimmed and the chosen short-form work was screened.

Kicking things off was Dutch digital production-house MediaMonks founder Wesley ter Haar, talking about the challenges involved in making online video content. Focusing on interactivity, Wesley's keynote detailed the various forms online content can take, from simple 'virally-shared' video pieces, through 'share my face' style personalised microsites to complex and engaging digital projects like 'Bear 71'. Entertaining and involving, Wesley's chat marked out some of the key aspects in digital creation, as well as pointing out some obvious pitfalls that may have been all too apparent to members of the audience.

Continuing the theme of engagement were the evening's second guest speakers, directing duo HeyHeyHey (aka Elske van der Putten and Erik Sjouerman) from production company PostPanic. Talking the crowd through the process involved in making their playful shorts Melvin The Magical Mixed Media Machine and Melvin the Mini Machine, the pair described their approach to creative urges, the technical aspects of their creations and the 'purpose' behind their output. They also put a call out to any technical whizz-kids wanting to help them create a Pixar-style moving lamp – their latest flight of fancy.

After a short break to lubricate the gullets of the attendees, the evening moved on to the screening section. Exhibiting short films, music videos and branded content from both signed and unsigned directorial talent, the compilation comprised of work garnered from the SourceEcreative site and The Scout – SourceEcreative's new member-resource dedicated to finding and promoting un-signed auteurs. Highlights included Patrick Boivin's kinetic 'Dragon Baby' short (a pint-sized chuckle-maker), Matt Luck's gorgeous 'Dancing In The Dark' (interpretive-dance multiplied by Bruce Springsteen) and Calum Macdiarmid's striking '82' (Nick Moran's dodgy postman gets a nasty surprise) amongst the 16 films shown. Members can check out the full list here.

MediaMonks' Wesley ter Haar give his online videos serious facetime.

Some audience members enjoy the comfy sofas (and lager).

Some audience members enjoy the comfy sofas (and lager).

Elske van der Putten and Erik Sjouerman describe the tricks behind a Rube Goldberg chain-reaction.

adidas' Kris Ekman does his best to silence Home Corp's Callum Johnson and Great Guns' Calum Macdiarmid.

SourceEcreative's Worldwide Editor Jamie Madge and MD James Straker celebrate a job well done.

A rapt audience sit ready for the films to start (and Jamie to stop).

More photos can be seen on our Facebook page. Our next screening will be in London in March (more details to come) and then… THE WORLD!

Posted on 6th February 2013
