
It's not easy being an actor; you're constantly waiting to hear from your agent with news of your next job as Star Wars actor John Boyega proves in this new Vodafone ad from Text100 and helmed by Chris Boyle.

We see him pacing his apartment, as he speaks to his agent, ready to take whatever role comes his way.

And the role offered to him - the role he is now an ambassador for - is to promote Vodafone's new initiaitive #SleepLikeAHero.

The telecoms company has unveiled a free app, DreamLab - available here - that uses the processing power of your smartphone while you sleep, translating it into medical data to help the fight against cancer.



Developed through the Vodafone Foundation, all you have to do is charge your phone while you sleep, connect it to a secure online server through the app and then parts of the research project can be downloaded from the cloud and sent to the research team for assessment. Vodafone users can also connect to DreamLab without eating into their mobile data. 

“DreamLab epitomises the purpose of the Vodafone Foundation – Connecting for Good – which is about combining Vodafone’s charitable giving and technology to make a difference in people’s lives," says Vodafone's Group CEO, Vittorio Colao. "Through innovative use of technology, our network, and people power, DreamLab is making a significant difference to the speed at which researchers can complete ground-breaking research, to improve and save lives.”

Now there's no reason to feel guilty when you hit the snooze button - your sleep could contribute to ending cancer.

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