
They say the answer to everything lies at the bottom of a bottle, but thanks to Desperados and MNSTR, you don't have to go that far to experience a cool new VR art installation - simply wave your phone over the label instead.

Building on its long-running tradition of artistic partnerships - the brand has collaborated with artists to design limited-edition bottle labels for the past 20 years - Desperados has enlisted Théo Lopez of Parisian street artist collective, 9ème Concept, to create FUTUREDITION, an artwork which allows users to experience different perspectives, layers and angles through a VR app. 

It's is the second year that technology has been an integral part of the Desperados art experience - last year's label, designed by Matthieu Dagorn, incorporated an augmented reality experience. 


Above: The Desperados VR app


The 2018 VR label involves dissected layers of colours and shapes that the viewer can experience inside and out, by looking at the beer label through the smartphone app, which is available on IOS and Android. The experience takes the viewer on a journey through different elements of the piece, like spray paint circles, 3D pyramids, and tape arrows. 

The idea was to use technology to enhance the most interesting steps of my creative process," says Lopez. "With virtual reality, you can literally pass through materials, textures and explore my work in three dimensions. For this particular canvas, I played with traditional flat tints, touches of spray paint and a collage of scanned frames from my previous works. The superimpositions are the raw material of this experience.”

And for more information about the process of creating the piece and a walk-through of the VR experience, check out the behind-the-scenes video below:

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