
Puzzles have had a bit of a comeback recently with hipsters cramming into pubs, spending hours poured over pieces, slotting them together. And Colenso BBDO has tapped into this trend with a campaign for Kiwi cheese, Mainland.

To highlight that a good cheese requires patience for it to mature, the agency offered fans free vouchers for the cheese. The only catch however was that the voucher was hidden within a puzzle... a puzzle with 2,000 pieces.

Customers applied for the Mainland 2,000-Piece Voucher over Christmas and many spent copious hours trying to redeem the promotion.

According to the agency, the fastest time to complete the puzzle was a staggering 45 hours!



"Putting together three 2,000-piece puzzles to shoot an accompanying print campaign was a bit of a task, says Colenso BBDO Creative Director, Mike Davison. “Finance weren’t too happy with our timesheets by the end of it.” 

Thankfully, it's a perfect way to demonstrate the brand's ’Good things take time’ slogan and hopefully, the cheese is worth the wait. 


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