
If you were intrigued by Skittles' Super Bowl stunt, which was finally live streamed during yesterday's Big Game, then look no further, an explanation of the stunt has been uploaded to the confectionary brand's Facebook page.

US teenager Marcos Menendez was the only person selected to watch this year's Skittles ad. Although there was a bit of hype around his involvement in the spot, during yesterday's game as previously announced, he was ushered into a room to watch the final spot - with a bowl of Skittles in front of him, naturally.

He claims that the final spot featured David Schwimmer as he appeared like in the teaser released earlier, Being (below), in which he wears a strange toupee and has lazer lights for eyes.



In the 15 minute mini documentary that was streamed live on Facebook, Menendez is reeling after seeing the ad... because we learn that the ad was tailored-made to him.

Not only was it partially shot in Canoga Park, where Menendez lives, but it was filmed in his family's dining room and also starred his parents. Most puzzingly for Menendez was comprehending that David Schwimmer actually stepped foot in his house during the shoot.



When asked what the weirdest part of the commercial was, Menendez replies, "That my mum was in the commercial. She was riding the bus and David Schwimmer was at the back and she kept mad-dogging him." ***Which apparently means to stare at someone in a hostile way.

Menendez also revealed that even he doesn't know why he was selected for the ad, but he's glad (and slightly perplexed) that he was Skittles' chosen one.

And mostly importantly, Menendez responded to accusations that this was all just a big marketing stunt (as we initially thought) but clarifies that it isn't. He even turned down $20,000 from punters to record the ad while he was in the room, because he was so committed to the stunt.

What have we as marketeers learnt about this campaign? The sheer perverse nature of Skittles' ads; to expect the unexpected; and that tailor-made ads that surprise may be more popular than we expected.
