
What’s the best thing about working in advertising in Johannesburg?

Our turnaround for work is really fast. Big ideas can be originated in the morning and produced by the afternoon. Where some of our international counterparts would take months to produce a TV ad, we can do it in a matter of weeks if put under pressure, and this is a very pressurised place to work.


And the worst thing?

Some clients see agencies more as service providers than communication partners, which can result in poorer work.



What advice would you give to a visitor?

Do everything, see everything, try everything. We are such an unbelievably diverse and rich melting pot of cultures and tastes and adventures. If you come here and just sit in a hotel and go to a few shopping malls, you’ll miss out on an experience you’d carry with you for a lifetime. 


If you were booking a hotel in Johannesburg, where would you stay?

Like any other major city, we’ve got some amazing, world-class hotels in Johannesburg, so if you’re looking for the height of luxury, we have you covered. Or, with regard to my last answer, you could try something different. Misty Hills Country Hotel sits on the outskirts of the city and offers all the creature comforts along with a few creatures, too. By which I mean nearby safari tours, the lion and rhino nature reserve and more. You could also visit the [paleoanthropological site] Cradle of Humankind and the nearby Carnivore Restaurant, where you can taste anything from kudu [antelope] to crocodile.


What do you miss when you are out of the city?

We like getting out for the peace and tranquillity of the bush, but one does miss the urban pace and vibe – once you’re out of the city for a break, you look forward to going back before long.


One table, four places. You and who?

Morgan Freeman. Sir Anthony Hopkins. John Keats. I’ve already had the honour of dining with the late Nelson Mandela or he would have been the first one on my list. 


What is the best South African ad you have seen in the last year?

A charming ad for VW, For the Love of Drive [O&M Cape Town, below], about a cute little girl singing a song [Are You Gonna Go My Way?] that’s stuck in her head. The reveal is that she and her dad have a special song they always listen to on the car’s fancy sound system. I also enjoyed Prudential’s The Forest Man, about a man who has planted 1,400 hectares of trees in his lifetime to stop a river washing away his precious land.



Who do you/would you love to work with in the industry?

I’ve been privileged to have worked with, or alongside, many local South African superstars, most notably Graham Warsop (founder of The Jupiter Drawing Room) and Fraser Lamb (my business partner and CEO here at McCann). Globally, I’ve always liked the idea of working with David Droga. Clemenger BBDO in Australia also catches my eye.


If Johannesburg were a product or brand what would it be?

It sounds like a cliché, but Nike comes to mind due to the slogan ‘Just do it’ – we are fast-paced and keep moving and hustling all the time. Or maybe, 947, one of the big national radio stations; the heartbeat of this country.



Where’s the best place to eat in Johannesburg?

Go to Hartbeespoort, for a truly gastronomical experience at Silver Orange Bistro. My girlfriend had “the best salmon of her life” there and I love the melted sugar shapes they put on top of their desserts.


And to have a drink?

There has been a rise in the number of micro-breweries. One such establishment is Gilroy’s, a place of great beer, great food and some awesome local live music. 



What’s Johannesburg’s favourite pastime?

It’s called a braai – the local version of a BBQ. Try everything from chicken to some of the best beef on Earth, to a local delicacy called boerewors, roughly translated as “farmer’s sausage” – a rich, fatty sausage that’s just delicious.


What’s your one-line life philosophy?

Practise random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.


“If you come here and just sit in a hotel and go to a few malls, you’ll miss out on an experience you’d carry with you for life.”


What’s your favourite memory of Johannesburg?

Winning the Rugby World Cup in 1995.


If you could have one question answered, what would it be? 

Aliens. They exist, right?

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