
If you want an honest opinion about something, ask a child. They won’t lie, even if the truth hurts. Tapping into this transparency, We Are Social has devised an interactive campaign for Audi and invited kids to share their views on the future of the automotive industry.

While sat in an Audi Q7, the children were questioned by the inbuilt voice activated technology and asked about what they thought the future of transportation will look like.

Some guessed that cars will be able to fly and swim in water like submarines, while others thought that we’d get rid of roads altogether.



While the interactions are genuinely sweet, the ad also shows the kids’ willingness to adapt to innovation and their excitement around how new technology could impact our day-to-day lives.

“Technology in cars is the subject of much debate and discussion amongst consumers online,” says We Are Social account director, Marc Mesrie. “This campaign will give viewers some food for thought, while entertaining them at the same time.”

Although Audi hasn’t rolled out vehicles that can fly or swim (yet), some of the children’s suggestions – like self-driving cars and electric cars – are already starting to be developed by the brand.

Maybe owning a vehicle that could travel through the air or paddle through water isn’t that far-fetched?


Click here to see how Audi is experimenting with VR.

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