
When visiting London, most tourists will gravitate towards the capital’s centre to gawp and gaze at the iconic billboard of Piccadilly Circus, but habits will soon change as the lights have been switched off until autumn.

Yesterday at about 08.30am, the iconic screens displayed a historical mish-mash of images, before a countdown filled the screen (below) to mark the beginning of the redevelopment.

While the lights are switched off, developers will fit one single screen - Europe’s largest - which will retain the legendary curved billboard shape.  



Advertisers can decide whether to opt into a single-brand takeover of the whole screen but the board will also provide live video streaming and regular weather, sport and news updates.

A temporary advertising banner will replace the lights while the work is under way.

It’s hoped that the development will "bring visitors an enhanced entertainment experience," says Heart of London Business Alliance's chief executive, Ros Morgan.

Since its electrical installation in 1908, the billboard has become a London landmark and has rarely been switched off; they were turned off during World War II, in honour of Winston Churchill’s funeral (1965) and Princess Diana’s funeral (1997) as well as the occasional power cut and various environmental campaigns. But this will be its longest stint unlit.

Coca Cola has confirmed that it will continue advertising on the big screen, while Samsung has also secured a spot.

To find out more about the plans or to contact Land Securities about advertising enquiries, click here.
