
Hanging with celebs is the stuff of dreams, right? Well, perhaps not any more as a new campaign for fundraising platform Omaze justifies our addiction to celebrity culture by transforming these fantasies into reality.

By donating as little as $10 (a mere £7.77), you could win the chance to enjoy pizza and beer with actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, joined by their so-called best friend, American football quarterback Tom Brady.

Larger donations will also be entered into the prize draw, but you will definitely win bigger and better prizes – like some Best Friend Forever bracelets, digital thank you cards and customised Damon and Affleck t-shirts.

If this opportunity sounds too good to be true, then read on; it’s actually better than it sounds.



The overall winner will be chosen at random and will receive return flights for two to Boston, where they will be put up in a four-star hotel and get to meet the trio to talk about whatever you like – suggested topics include football, movies and life.

The reason for this opportunity is to raise money and awareness of the stars’ charities; Damon’s global water crisis organisation,; Affleck’s grant-making and advocacy group Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI); and Brady’s TB12 Foundation – a non-for-profit devoted to the wellbeing of American amateur athletes.

But you’ve been warned, if you do win and get the chance to meet the trio, you might have to get between Afffleck and Damon's squabbling over who is Brady's best best friend. Or perhaps you could get between them and claim Brady as your own BFF.

You have until the end of the month to enter and can do so, by clicking here. Other opportunities offered by Omaze include the chance to meet Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford on-set daaarling.
