
For some, wearing a life jacket is a fashion trend that’s never going to catch on.

But non-profit organisation TrygFonden together with The Safe Sailing Council is behind this smart spot with a serious message, created by Hjaltelin Stahl.



To combat the increasing number of sailors drowned in the depths of Denmark’s waters without a life jacket, the three companies decided to launched a new brand of organic fish food.

The only difference with this brand is that its ingredients contain remnants of the drowned fisherman and sailors, lost at sea.

The mockumentary-style case study reminds potential victims that they could become a fish’s dinner if they decide to not wear a life jacket.

The product may be pretend but the warning is real, which is why the campaign’s unfortgettable slogan, ‘Don’t end up as Fish Food. Wear a life jacket’ is so poignant.

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