
V-Pure – Explosive Energy from Rankin?s Vicky Lawton

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Pure. Natural. Energy. That was the three-worded brief pitched at directors to get them to sell the new V-Pure energy drink, made from all natural ingredients.

But Vicky Lawton, creative director at Hunger magazine and director repped by Rankin Films, knew she had it in her to win the pitch… even boldly stating in the first line of her treatment “Ignore all other pitches (!) this brief was made for me.” Powerful.

shots spoke to Lawton and Colenso BBDO creative directors Aaron Turk and Dave Brady to find out why her determined approach worked and what it was like working on such a high energy, stunt-filled, provocative spot.


Lawton's bold but self-confident treatment:


How did you find the ‘Pure-Natural-Energy’ brief that you were given and how did you approach the project?
Lawton: Getting a brief like that was an absolute dream. As part of my treatment, I just put every idea that I’d ever had into it. I have an inspire archive on my laptop that just sits there, so I dived straight into that and pulled out all the bits that were appropriate. I’ve always wanted to create a high energy film with a strong attitude.

Why did you guys decide to bring Vicky on board?
Turk & Brady: The brief that we sent out to directors asked them to create a specific tone for the piece and Vicky just nailed it. She injected the right tone, humour and ballsiness into it.


What is the storyline behind the piece?
Lawton: It’s like a lucid dream; it’s a collection of very visceral, powerful images that builds up to the words pure, natural, energy. It didn’t need to have a story but it had to have some fluidity to it. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions – like a slap in the face. If it was too linear, it would be too predictable.



The images come thick and fast throughout the piece – how did you create the pace?

Lawton: The film had to have the different contrasts. Even though its high energy, it had to have softer moments – the pauses – for you to get your breath back. I spent a lot of time listening to the different types of music for ideas to jump out at me. I find listening to music is a good way to get into the right mind frame. For this shoot, that meant listening to the likes of Dead Weather, Radiohead and Chemical Brothers among others.

Turk & Brady: It’s one of the first times that I’ve worked with a director that had prepared a playlist for the shoot.


What were the biggest challenges that you had to face and overcome while on set?
There was lots as we combined animals and stunts, which are two elements you can’t really plan for. It just meant adapting my shots slightly. But I’m a bit of an over planner, so once I had the base to work from, it just meant that I could freestyle a bit on the day.



How did your previous experiences in fashion film compare with making a perhaps arguably, more traditional TVC?
The ad world is very unfamiliar to me but I think it's always worth taking something on that might be uncomfortable for you. And I definitely did that on this one.

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